Oils and Lubricants
Since 2015 we’ve worked on almost exclusively Aircooled Vw’s. Repairing, rebuilding, modifying and restoring countless examples.
And whilst these cars are simple machines, they’re unlike anything else that’s typically spotted day-to-day on our roads. And not just by appearance, but by almost every aspect mechanically.
So, selecting the right lubricants and oils to maintain these cars isn’t as easy as it should be. Most motor factors will stock a large range of modern engine oils that will be fine for any of your conventional modern vehicles with all their low-emissions tech - but nothing for the classics… aside from the usual treacle-thick 20w50 often peddled as ‘classic’ car oil!
So, enter our range of correct grade oils, curated by us specifically for our Aircooled VW classics - where the right choice of oil is vitally important.
And because now it seems no-two engines are alike, we’re not taking the ‘one-size-fits-all’ stance, and have a selection of 3x high quality oils available. With one for standard specification engines, a second for modified, and lastly another for high-performance, high stress builds. All created in the right weights, with the right additives needed for older style engines, and none of the stuff you don’t!
Alongside our own Engine Oils, we have a Semi-Synthetic Gearbox Oil that’s a perfect match for Swing Axle & IRS Transaxles, and a selection of some of the other lubricant's needed to keep our cars in tip-top condition.
Browse our range here, and be sure to make any questions or queries heard to us via Email.